Blood Tests to Prioritize in Your Regular Health Checkup
The human body is not an invincible, unstoppable machine. It needs a regular checkup to determine what kind of maintenance you should apply to keep it healthy. As you grow older, there are more and more reasons to follow a regular health checkup, and blood tests are...
Back Pain: Common Signs That it’s Time to Call a Doctor
Back pain doesn’t discriminate. It affects children and adults of all walks of life, from athletes and stage performers to laid-back homebodies. Back pain can manifest in a lot of different ways. It could be a mild ache that goes away after a few days or severe pain...
5 Reasons Why You Need Regular Checkups with Your Doctor
Many people are still used to going to a doctor only when they're not feeling well, or there's something wrong with their body. While that's a completely acceptable reason for going to the doctor, a lot of people need to realize that they can benefit more from having...
Local Physician Receives Honorary Degree from American Academy of Family Physicians
Okemos, MI — Roufaida Al-Misky, MD, FAAFP, a family physician in Oakland, Michigan, has achieved the Degree of Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). AAFP is the national medical association representing 133,500 family physicians, family medicine...
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