Before choosing to visit a family medicine specialist in Troy, some people live with allergies for years. Some people live with allergies all their lives without ever visiting a doctor. For some reason, allergies appear to have a stigma, as if they “simply aren’t that severe.”

In actuality, allergies may result in excruciating symptoms that prevent you from leading a healthy, active life.

Fortunately, there are many different allergy treatments available. The first step is to know when to ask for assistance. Here are four clear indicators that it’s time to visit chronic medical care and management about your allergies.

Over-the-Counter Medicines Are Ineffective

Minor allergies are common and can often be self-treated with over-the-counter drugs. However, you might need to speak with an allergy professional if your go-to pharmacy allergy medications aren’t working. 

The secret to living symptom-free may lie in prescription medications specifically formulated for your allergies, symptoms, and needs.

You Experience Life-Interrupting Symptoms

A trip to a family medicine specialist is warranted for any condition that limits your ability to do the activities you wish to do. For instance, if you enjoy playing baseball but cannot play because of allergy symptoms, you should consult a family medicine physician in Troy about allergies. 

The best course of action is to contact a doctor if your allergy symptoms become so bad that you cannot do simple daily tasks like grocery shopping.

You Think You’re Constantly Ill

You may have ongoing allergies if you consistently feel like you have a mild cold. Even while you may not think these mild symptoms are bothersome enough to warrant seeing a doctor, they can make daily life difficult. 

For instance, a mild but persistent headache can reduce your productivity at work, and persistent sneezing and coughing may make you less inclined to socialize.

You Experience Severe Symptoms Similar to Anaphylactic

Life-threatening medical emergencies include anaphylaxis. You may experience shock when your immune system develops a broad-based, ferocious reaction to an allergen. 

Although environmental allergens can also cause it, dietary allergens are the ones that cause it most of the time. Lightheadedness, sudden nausea, hives, a weak and quick pulse, tightness of your airways, dizziness, low blood pressure, and fainting are symptoms of anaphylaxis.

What Are the Options for Allergy Treatment?

Different treatments are available depending on what you are allergic to and how severe your allergies are. Testing is the initial step in receiving treatment. You might not even require a prescription for allergy medicine, as some patients experience relief from simple environmental changes, such as purchasing an air filter or confining their pets to specific areas of the house.

We can administer a thorough allergy test to identify the specific things to which you are allergic. She can then assist you in choosing the best line of action.

How Does an Allergist Act?

Verify your allergy status. Whether you have an allergy can only be determined with certainty by a doctor. You could also have an infection or another condition. Knowing what you have allows you to receive the proper care.

Discover your triggers. You can take precautions to avoid some items if you are aware of what you are sensitive to and what causes a reaction. You will receive testing from an allergist to assist you in pinpointing precisely what causes your allergies.

Draft a treatment strategy. A treatment plan will assist you in knowing what to do. It should contain information on what medications to take and when to take them, what items you should avoid due to allergies, and how to prepare for and handle a severe allergic reaction.

Verify sure you are using the proper medication. Over-the-counter medicines frequently help with allergies. However, some people may require prescription medication to treat the symptoms. Your doctor can provide you with medication advice and ensure you have the right prescriptions.

Symptom management. Your physician can assist you in controlling your runny nose and itchy eyes, as well as preventing an allergic reaction before it occurs.


If you suffer from allergies, seeing a specialist can manage them so you can live a fulfilling life. Make an appointment with Family Medicine and Wellness today by phone or online to learn more.

At Family Medicine and Wellness, we think that a customized patient-physician connection is a key to achieving health and wellness, which is crucial for overall well-being. Dr. Al-Misky is dedicated to clear communication and collaborative decision-making and believes in the value of a solid, dependable, and private doctor-patient relationship. Contact us if you need a family medicine specialist in Troy